Why · Who · Our Values · Working at Notch
Notch redesigns how revenue teams collaborate with their customer in the most human way to unlock lasting business relationships.
Closing and onboarding B2B customers is highly complex, time-consuming, and can take months. Today companies try to manage the complexity of B2B deal closing and onboarding with a patchwork of disconnected tools and spreadsheets.
Notch is a modular customer collaboration suite that automates the customer journey, helping fast-growing revenue teams close and onboard more customers with less effort.
<aside> 🤍 Notch’s Purpose: Taking out the complexity in collaboration
Aaron Katzenberger Customer Success Associate LinkedIn
Alex Sandau Co-Founder & Engineering LinkedIn
Damiano Stoffie Engineering LinkedIn
Devin Lemcke Co-Founder & Engineering LinkedIn
Diana Drescher Design LinkedIn
Lekan Koku Engineering LinkedIn
Tim Dethlefsen Co-Founder & Product LinkedIn
Thomas Plattner Founder Associate LinkedIn
Viktor Kessler Co-Founder & Business LinkedIn
We’re supported by some amazing investors from great companies to help us make our vision a reality. They have been incredibly helpful with advice on lots of topics.
<aside> ⛰️ We are honest We are radically honest and play it straight. We wave a bias toward clarity and trust, and we over-communicate, even if it feels obvious already.
<aside> 🙂 We are humble We are authentic and have the right balance between confidence and humility. We don't make ourselves more important than we are.